
How to cure jet-lag in 48 hours

Meet your host families:

Hear a Norwegian rock band:

Go to Sunday services at a beautiful church:

Visit a nature preserve...

...and a Norwegian farm:

Relax on the trampoline (look at that lake in the background -- heavenly!):

Observe how paper gets made...

And how fertilizer is stored, packed, and distributed:

Take a walk on your host family's farm at dusk (check out the light at 10 pm!):

Needless to say, it's been a full two days. A few other highlights:

1. Our hosts are prompt! I am...not. Many thanks to my patient host family as 9 am morning breakfasts commence at 9:06.

2. Teaching our hosts a few choice American slang. Like "hunky."

3. Practicing our Norwegian presentation with our host families. Which is tomorrow afternoon! Wish us luck!

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